
Parking on Lynn's campus is a privilege. All employees are expected to abide by the rules and regulations, and park in the appropriate designated lots and/or spaces. The Department of Campus Security will issue parking citations to:
  • Vehicles parked in the unauthorized areas (i.e. vehicles parked in disabled or reserved spaces without authorization or properly displayed sticker)
  • Unauthorized vehicles (i.e. vehicles that do not have parking stickers or do not properly display parking sticker)
To file an appeal, complete and submit a Parking Citation Appeal form within five business days of citation issuance.
  • Campus Safety will review each case, make a final determination and notify citation recipients within five business days.
  • If an appeal is granted, Campus Safety will void the citation and waive the fine
  • If an appeal is denied, fine payment is due to the cashier within 30 days of the determination.
Please pay parking citations to the cashier in Financial Aid within 30 days of the date issued. As a final attempt to satisfy unpaid parking citations, the University reserves the right to deduct the amount owed from an employee's paycheck, to the extent allowed by the law. If at any time you believe that a deduction is improper, please bring it to the attention of the Assistant Vice President of Employee Services.

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By signing this form, you hereby agree to abide by the University's parking regulations and acknowledge the aforementioned University's right.
Employee Signature
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