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Hurricane Season has arrived: Be prepared

Saturday, June 1, marked the beginning of the 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season. As we prepare for this season, the Lynn University Hurricane and Crisis Response teams ask that all students and employees update their emergency contact information on myLynn (see instructions below).

While we hope for another quiet hurricane season, it’s important that all members of the university community update their emergency contact information so that they can be notified of changes or cancellations associated with any possible tropical weather.

Please use the "Emergency Contact" fields on the myLynn form (located under Quick Links in the left hand column - you must sign in first) to include phone numbers for parents, spouses or friends you’d also like to have notified of storm threats or other emergencies affecting the Lynn campus. Only current Lynn students and employees will be able to log on to myLynn to access and complete the form.

Very important: If you have any trouble updating your information or are unsure about some section of the form, please submit an LU Service Desk request. Please provide your name and question/concern. Someone will respond to you as soon as possible.

The information provided on this Emergency Contact Information form will only be used for emergency notification purposes (or tests of the emergency alert systems). In the event of an emergency, students, faculty and staff will be contacted via a combination of voice messages, email and/or text messages. Please update your contact information (including backup contact phone numbers) whenever this information changes.


Lynn students and employees will be notified of any storm-related closures, cancellations and reopening plans via a combination of communication vehicles. These include:
• a combination of voice, email and/or text messages
• regular updates on and
• a pre-recorded message on the university switchboard at 561-237-7000
*Updates will also be provided to local radio, print and broadcast media. However, the most reliable and up-to-date information should be sought out at or via the regularly distributed voice, email and text messages.


In addition to updating your emergency contact information, please take a minute to read the following information pertaining to the university’s – and your own – storm preparations.

• Lynn University is not a public evacuation or shelter site. Though the university has taken great pains to safely and securely accommodate all resident students and Lynn “first responder” staff in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane, the university is not an evacuation shelter for all Lynn employees, nonresident students or their families and neighbors. Our storm preparations and facilities are only able to accommodate the on-campus student community and the 60 or so staff and faculty members assigned to be onsite in the event of a storm. Therefore, nonresidents and the great majority of Lynn employees should be prepared to make their own evacuation or storm preparations.

• Consult online resources for more information on preparing your home and yourself for the storm season. The National Weather Service’s National Hurricane Center website offers useful information. You can also read Lynn’s hurricane preparedness plan online.

• Download this Emergency Supply Kit shopping list prepared by the Palm Beach County Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management.

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