
You can view the orientation schedule here 

As you begin this exciting new chapter at Lynn, you probably have questions. Don't worry. That is what your orientation is all about. Orientation will help you begin to explore campus, learn ways to get involved, learn campus resources, and make discoveries that will impact your Lynn Experience. Orientation is also an opportunity to make connections, and build friendships that will last a life time. 

Your Orientation journey will differ based on the student categories listed below. Please click on the one that pertains to you to get more information about Welcome Weekend and necessary steps for you to take: 

Undergraduate Domestic Students
Undergraduate International Students

We look forward to welcoming you and your families and guests in the Fall!

New Student Orientation Canvas Course

In addition to your in person orientation sessions, we have also created a special online Canvas course designed just for you! The modules in this course will equip you with necessary tools and resources to aid in a successful transition to Lynn!

In the coming months you will automatically be enrolled in the course and sent more information. You will also learn more during your Lynn Launch experience!