Fall Orientation 2024

Welcome new students, to your home away from home! We look forward to your arrival this fall. As a new student you are required to attend the following:

A Lynn Launch Session

  • This is a zoom meeting prior to your arrival on campus in August. At Lynn Launch you will hear from university staff and engage with current Lynn students.

    To register for a Lynn launch session click here


You can view the orientation schedule here 

      1. Part 1 - Check-in/move-in - this is an in-person event where you will check in with university, move in
      (if  applicable) pick up your student ID and iPad and check-in with required offices to ensure you are all set to start
      fall classes.

  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024  - You MUST schedule and appointment to check in. You will receive instructions on scheduling your appointment to you Lynn email in June. 

     2. Part 2 - Orientation Education Sessions - after check-in you are required to attend transitional workshops where
     you will hear presentations lead by various university offices and current Lynn students. 

  • Thursday, August 22 - International Orientation
  • Friday, August 23 -  Sunday, August 25, 2024 

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to campus this Fall.