
Fall Orientation 2024

Welcome new students! We look forward to your arrival this fall. As a new student you are required to attend the following:


A Lynn Launch Session

  • This is a zoom meeting prior to your arrival on campus in August. At Lynn Launch you will hear from university staff and engage with current Lynn students.

    To register for Lynn launch session click here



You can view the orientation schedule here 

      1. Part 1 - Check-in/move-in - this is an in-person event where you will check in with university, move in (if  applicable) pick up your student ID and iPad and check-in with required offices to ensure you are all set to start fall classes.

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024  - You MUST schedule an appointment to check in. You will receive instructions on scheduling your appointment to your Lynn email in June. 

     2. Part 2 - Orientation Education Sessions - after check-in you are required to attend transitional workshops where you will hear presentations lead by various university offices and current Lynn students. 

  • Friday, August 23 -  Sunday, August 25, 2024 

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to campus this Fall!